Crown Inn Hotel Kingston, 31 Agnes Street, Kingston SE

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Crown Inn Hotel Kingston is listed in the following categories: Establishment   Lodging   Food   Liquor store  


+61 8 8767 2005

31 Agnes Street, Kingston SE, South Australia 5275

Establishment   Lodging   Food   Liquor store  

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  • laurine valente
    ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

    It was about 1pm on a relatively warm Wednesday in May (10th May 2017 to be exact) when we 3 Adelaidians (myself, wife and ma-in-law) walked into the Crown Inn Hotel in Kingston, south east SA. Immediately we were greeted by staff with a smile and we eagerly sat and ordered our meals. Wife and MIL ordered Honey Prawns & Rice, I ordered Crumbed Calamari.

    Well, we’d been out to lunch many times in Adelaide and we seriously didn’t expect meals that were of such a high quality, so much that we couldn’t stop raving about them. The prawns were huge (king size), succulent and crisp, perfectly cooked. Likewise the calamari was crumbed lightly and so tasty, just how it should be cooked. The chips were REAL chips, home-style cut up potato, crispy (not soft and soggy like other places serve).

    Then there was the salad & vegie bar ... well, where do I start ... egg plant deep fried in light crispy batter perhaps with some honey? (absolutely delicious), home-style carrots (REAL carrots not the tasteless over-processed “baby-food” type out of cans that other places serve), REAL sweet corn sliced from the cob (not canned kernels).

    We asked if the chef (Hayley) could join us for a wine so that we could personally thank her for such enjoyable meals. Unfortunately she was busy and needed to leave early for her children. We all had a great time, stayed for hours, MIL even wanted to take home a “young” gentleman she met in the pokies parlour, but that’s another story (besides, we didn’t have room in our car for a 4th person).

    Thankyou Hayley and the rest of the staff for such a delicious and wholesome lunch and wonderful experience – as Arnold S said, WE WILL BE BACK!

    Kind regards
    Frank Valente
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Crown Inn Hotel Kingston is based in Kingston SE. Full address is 31 Agnes Street. Australia postal code is 5275. We invite you to visit the official website of Crown Inn Hotel Kingston . There you can find last news, actual informations about working hours, additional contact details. Also you can call the contact number +61 8 8767 2005 to ask your questions. In today's world the easiest way to get information from social media profiles. Please check facebook, google+, twitter social profiles of Crown Inn Hotel Kingston.
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